
Project Summary

Hanson为一个带有非金属闸门的钢筋混凝土水控制结构提供工程设计服务,并为大自然保护协会(TNC)在生态重要的Emiquon保护区的一个重大项目中设计泵站和高架控制大楼提供支持服务. The 5,占地5000英亩的保护区位于哈瓦那西北的伊利诺伊河右岸, Illinois, and approximately 40 miles southwest of Peoria, Illinois.

埃米昆湖是伊利诺斯河谷最大、最知名的湖沼之一. The river valley was renowned for its waterfowl hunting, 伊利诺伊河是北美每英里贻贝产量最高的内陆商业渔业,直到它被过度捕捞和污染. 

Prior to its isolation from the river in 1920, when levee construction was completed, Emiquon项目区域通过水力与河流相连,为各种水生物种提供了最佳栖息地. 项目区被抽干用于农业生产,80多年来一直是农田. 2000年,TNC宣布已购买了该项目区以及其他邻近土地. The project area continued to be farmed while a restoration plan was developed; in 2006, TNC与美国农业部自然资源保护局签署了湿地保护计划(WRP)协议. In 2007, in cooperation with the WRP agreement, TNC halted pumping and the water levels began to rise, 在这个死水地区恢复渔业和湿地栖息地. However, 最近在附近的亨内平湖和霍珀湖的恢复工作被发现在没有管理的水位下对促进生态系统多样性无效. 由于普通鱼类和草鱼品种的高度集中,对系统产生了干扰. TNC determined that, without a reliable way to manage water levels at Emiquon, the ecosystem would substantially degrade over time.

“我们选择与汉森合作是因为他们的专业知识/经验和关系." ——道格·布洛杰特,大自然保护协会河流保护主任

With the objective of managing water levels in 6,000 acres of flooded wetlands, 汉森设计了一个双箱形涵洞,由两个8英尺乘8英尺的盒子组成,穿过堤坝, 在伊利诺伊河一侧设有混凝土立管结构和闸门,以容纳水和生物群的采样和监测. 立管结构也可作为新的60的放电点,每分钟000加仑的泵站位于堤坝的Emiquon保护区一侧.

项目小组与TNC合作,制定了管理Emiquon内水位和生态系统的概念,并改进了将创新接入点纳入水质监测系统的替代方案, 鉴定水生植物和动物的抽样和现场试验, including invasive species. 结果是一个多功能设施,不仅满足了湿地恢复的项目要求, a water control structure and a pumping station, 但这也将科学和监测目标作为支持生物和鱼类监测项目的功能要素. 汉森的水控制结构和泵站的3d效果图被纳入TNC的网站和演示文稿中, aiding in the search for donors to fund construction.

A significant aspect of the project was coordination with government organizations including the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency; Illinois Department of Natural Resources-Office of Water Resources; Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Endangered Species; Illinois Environmental Protection Agency; the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Natural Resources Conservation Service; the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Maurer-Stutz和Hanson获得了美国工程公司委员会(ACEC-IL)和卡尔五世颁发的荣誉奖. 由保护工程师协会颁发的安德森年度保护项目奖,以表彰该项目. Read more about Emiquon here.